Back in the hobby groove!

So I got Zelda:BOTW for Wii U on March 3rd, and it goes without saying it somewhat took over my life for a while. I hadn’t done any hobby for about two weeks. The unit leader for my first five Vanguard Hunters was painted, but his squad mates were sitting there unloved waiting for a lick of the ol’ Citadel colour, and I had Slambo in a box waiting to be assembled. Plus the gorgeous Kishdan, Sylph Champion mini from the Legends of Signum game which I will be using as a spellweaver for my Wanderers…

Anyway, back on the wagon now as of Friday 17th March. Over Friday and Saturday I was able to finish off the unit of Vanguard-Hunters as seen above, and I assembled Slambo and prepared him and Kishdan by applying sand to the bases ready for priming this morning.

Then today I primed Slambo in grey, and primed Kishdan in white. I basically flitted between the two models over the course of the day, both models were so different I could refresh myself by just switching to the other model. Both are ultimately very green models, but they could scarcely be any more different sculpts! I’m pretty happy that I got both models done today and with pretty god results in my opinion.

Next up I have assembled something slightly avian, but also slightly cat like, but also slightly reforged. I wonder what it is.

Shieldmaiden Rangers


Just a small update, not exactly AoS related, but Shieldwolf Miniatures have shown off the sprue for their upcoming Kickstarter Shieldmaiden Rangers. I didn’t back this one but looking at the minis I’d definitely like to grab some of these. The heads look really great too, I can see them being used on all sorts of kitbashes!

Check them out at:


Vanguard-Hunter Prime :D

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I’ve been working on Vanguard-Hunters today for my Stormcast Eternals. I’ve pretty much got the Prime done, but there’s four more guys basically just in base coats (but pre-metallics) waiting to hit the standard of the Prime.

Plenty of work left to do! Let me know what you guys think 😀

All my painted Stormcast Eternals… so far!


So it’s safe to say I somehow got more models for the Stormcast Eternals than I had realised, especially given that a lot of this stuff was obtained via trades and/or wheeler-dealing by trading in MTG cards and selling other models. But I’m really happy with how my Stormcast force is starting to look! It takes up most of my 4×4 table already!

So hoping I can remember all the names and stuff of the units, here’s what I currently have:


1 Celestant Prime
3 Prosecutors with Paired Warhammers
4x 5 Liberators with Warhammer and Shield
5 Judicators with Skybolt Bows and a Shockbolt Bow
5 Retributors with one Starsoul Mace
1 Lord Celestant on Dracoth
1 Knight-Heraldor
1 Knight-Vexillor
1 Lord-Relictor
1 Lord Castellant with Gryph-Hound


1 Knight-Venator
2 Dracothian Guard Fulminators
5 Judicators with Skybolt Bows and a Shockbolt Bow
1 Knight Heraldor
1 Lord Relictor
1 Errant-Questor
1 Lord Veritant with Gryph Hound
1 Knight Vexillor
5 Liberators with Paired Blades and Grandblade
5 Protectors with 2 Starsoul Maces
1 Lord Celestant on Foot


5 Gryph-Hounds
1 Knight-Questor

So that’s what’s currently there and painted. I’m amazed at how productive I’ve been! Considering I’ve also done a Sylvaneth force and a bit of Chaos on the side. Thanks to everyone who helped me by treating me to new models and trading with me! If you ever want to treat me to a mini or two, and get a big shoutout on this blog, send me an email 🙂

AoS Doubles Tournament!

So today, February 25th, myself and my good friend Eddy went down to Warhammer Leicester for an Age of Sigmar doubles tournament. Now, my memory isn’t great so forgive me if this is a slightly rough account of proceedings, but I hope you enjoy reading about the event.

The rules were fairly simple to keep it straightforward. Each player was allowed a 550 point army containing 1 Leader, 1+ Battleline, 0-1 Artillery, 0-1 Behemoth, and 0-1 Other unit. Allegiance abilities would not be used for these games. Each game would take place on a 4×4 table with missions from the General’s Handbook. And so it was that our armies looked like this:

JESSICA: 1 Lord Relictor, 5 Liberators with Paired Warblades + Grandblade, 5 Judicators with Skybolt Bows + Shockbolt Bow, 5 Protectors with 2 Starsoul Maces.

EDDY: 1 Knight-Questor, 3x 5 Liberators with Shields and Warhammer, 3 Prosecutors.

The plan, if it could be called such, was for my Lord Relictor to hide from shooting attacks behind the Protectors whilst healing said unit and taking potshots with lightning at enemy units. My sword Libs and Judicators would hold ‘home’ objectives, preferably from cover. Eddy’s units were to push forward as a moving shield wall, with the Knight-Questor taking on any heroes who strayed too close and the Prosecutors to fly around and harass any weak spots in the army or grab unclaimed objectives. Would it work? Well, maybe. Let’s see.


So game one was the Gifts From the Heavens battleplan, against a combined force of Seraphon and Stormcast Eternals. I was fairly confident at the start of this match, even though the opponent’s team each had a roll on the Triumph table for being at 40 points less than ourselves.

We had a fairly strong hold on our own objective, so I intended to push my Protectors, some Liberators and the Lord Relictor forward towards the large unit of Saurus Warriors pictured above. The Gifts in turn two came down right next to that unit of Saurus on the opponents turn, and our own came down next to Eddy’s Liberators, but also right next to a Realmgate. We came unstuck as a unit of Decimators surged through the Realmgate to assault the liberators holding our objective. They didn’t actually kill much, but did manage to push forward enough to contest the objective. Meanwhile I tried to get to the objective behind the Saurus Warriors, but my Protectors died in a single round of combat before hitting once, as the Triumph effects and other skills meant the Saurus Warriors were re-rolling both Hit and Wound rolls. I simply couldn’t hold up to that many attacks with a 4+ save roll.

Thus, with no way to contest the enemy objective and our own objective assaulted by Decimators, we lost the game.


Game two was Escalation, against a combined Ironjawz army with two Warbosses on foot, two units of Brutes, a unit of Gore Gruntas and a unit of ‘Ardboyz.  This mission would be tough, especially with the Gore Guntas getting into my Judicators far too quickly. For a fun narrative, we observed a lot of woods and ‘spooky’ scenery so we all agreed for narrative purposes to call all the terrain Sinister.

We took a bit of a toll from each of the units of Brutes, and the ‘Ardboyz, and managed to kill the Gore Gruntas after piling in with two units of Liberators as the Judicators and Gore Gruntas both fell to battleshock at the end of a turn.

Luckily for us, the opponents left their Warbosses til the third turn to turn up due to the Escalation plan. Interestingly this resulted in them both not getting into combat at all, which allowed us to hold onto objectives just enough to call the game a draw. However, because the Ironjawz had killed more of our units, they won a victory based on kill points from the scenario putting us at two losses.


This battle was against a force of Skaven Pestilens and Slaves to Darkness with the Nurgle keyword. This was the Take and Hold scenario with one objective in each player’s zone 9″ from the table edges – to win a major victory a team had to control both objectives at the same time.

In this game we decided to just go for it and push forward, if we wanted that enemy objective we needed to push forward as much stuff as we can. So, being aware that the Skaven and Chaos force only had one shooting unit – one of the Skaven constructs – we pushed forward with Liberators and Protectors, with the Prosecutors and Knight-Questor jumping through a Realmgate right into the heart of enemy territory.

The enemy reacted fairly quickly, but were unable to kill the Knight-Questor or finish off the Prosecutor unit as they harassed the enemy and drew the Chaos Knights away from our side to protect their own units. WIth no Chaos units able to push into our own side, and with time running tight for the event, we attempted to push all our units forwards to clear out the units of Plague Monks and Chaos Warriors holding the objective leaving five Liberators to hold our own objective safely.

Had we had time for turn 5, I am sure we’d have been able to push through and claim both objectives. Sadly though, with the clock ticking we just about scraped to the end of turn four with no clear victor. However, again it came down to kill points for this scenario, in which we took the victory for slaying a good number of the Skaven and Chaos forces including the full unit of Chaos Knights.


So in the end, we had a single win. But a great day was had, and I take a small moral victory in that our team was the only one with fully painted armies. The overall winners were the team we played last with the Chaos/Skaven army, partly due to the “favourite opponents” vote. Also we had doughnuts. That’s worthy of note, even though I only had one of the mini doughnuts because I’m watching my calories!!

I had a brilliant time and can’t wait to play even more AoS!

2016 Retrospective: July – December

So we come to the second half of 2016, let’s see what I got up to over the following six months!

JULY 2016


Well July was pretty crazy. We got both the General’s Handbook and the new Sylvaneth Battletome, both of which were absolutely fabulous releases. I managed to finish painting the Silver Tower box set just in time for these releases, and somehow had the money to pick up quite a bit of the new Sylvaneth stuff – I must have sold a whole bunch of stuff to pay for this since I definitely don’t have as much disposable income as this blog makes it look!

Anyway, yeah, so this month saw me paint up Drycha, a Branchwych, Son of Durthu and 3 units of Kurnoth Hunters. Oh, and I managed to get my hands on a certain Goddess! I also found the time to rebase my unit of Wild Riders to match the basing scheme of my Sylvaneth and Wanderers, which I think looked really nice 🙂

Oh! And I had my first ever visit to Warhammer World in Nottingham, for an epic 5-player game of Age of Sigmar! That was a really great day out and I picked up a nice little model too…



And that’s the Chaos Dwarf Daemonsmith model, a Forge World model only available at the Warhammer World FW store. This model was really fun to paint up, I took my time with it because I really wanted to do it justice. I think I succeeded, and it’s one of my favourite paint jobs. He’s not seen the field of battle though, since a Chaos Dwarf army is well out of my budget!

Also this month, I painted Alarielle, a Deathwatch Terminator Captain, and the Knight Venator for my Celestial Vindicators!

The biggest news of the month, on a personal level, is that I officially ‘came out’ as transgender on Facebook and to friends this month. From this day, I changed most of my online identity over to Jess, which was really great and I got a huge amount of support from everyone. Thanks to everyone for making this month really great for me.




September saw me finally achieve a long-time gaming goal, as I got rid of the bed from the spare room and replaced it with a 4×4 gaming table! At last, I can host games of Warhammer at home without having to play on the floor! This was really exciting for me and I’m still slightly giddy at having my own gaming table about 5 or 6 months later!

Naturally I used this as an opportunity to paint up another ten Tree-Revenants and spread my whole Sylvaneth and Wanderers alliance (minus the minis still on square bases, anyway) on the table for a family photo. I think they look great!

Oh, and we also got the new monthly White Dwarf, hence the Slaughterpriest I painted up right there. He was an amazing mini to paint, so good I bought two copies of issue 1 so I could paint up another one!


October was Armies on Parade, where I entered my Nurgle army and got a respectable Bronze medal (but I won’t dwell on the fact our local Warhammer store only had 4 entries…XD) behind a beautiful Sylvaneth board and a really nicely painted if sparse Harlequin all-flyer army. I also had the time to paint up a Necromancer and Skarr Bloodwrath for the Khorne army. These Khorne characters are really fun to paint, shame I can’t stand painting the troops really!


In November we saw the second Horus Heresy box, Burning of Prospero. This was kindly gifted to me by a close friend, so I managed to paint up Geigor Fell-Hand and a couple of Tactical Squads over the course of the month, although I stopped half-way through the third Tactical Squad and the box is currently on the back burner, since I got hold of a Lord Vertitant and some Dracothian Guard to add to my Celestial Vindicators army. This is where I decided for sure I wanted to do a full Celestial Vindicators army over the easier to paint but less visually interesting Lions of Sigmar.



And we come to the end of the year. And, amazingly, I don’t seem to have any hobby to show off for December at all. Although I received the awesome Warhammer World exclusive Errant Questor as a Christmas Present I didn’t really have time to focus on hobby, as I had both Pokemon Sun and Final Fantasy XV to play through – and its safe to say those games took up my entire month’s worth of free time!

So there you have it, my year in hobby and life summed up in two blog posts.

Looking back, I’m kind of astounded that I managed to keep up with GW’s insane release schedule so well. I really don’t have as much disposable income as it appears, and I’m not entirely sure how I did it, but I’m glad I had such a memorable and interesting year and I feel like my painting skills also improved over the course of the year. I had a few models that I really tried to push my skills with such as the Daemonsmith and the Deathwatch Captain, and it’s left me really excited for the year ahead.

So what’s in store for 2017? Well, we know that 8th Edition Warhammer 40k is on the way. Whether I’ll play it or not very much depends on how accessible it is. If it’s half as easy to just pick up and play as AoS, there’s a good chance I might dig out my Dark Angels, or perhaps look at a new army. And on the AoS front, we’ve got the Generals Handbook 2.0 coming up along with even more amazing new Stormcast Eternals releases. And that’s before we get into the rumour mill of Duardin, Aelves and Orruks the size of houses.

I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t wait to see what the hobby has in store for us over the course of 2017.

Gryph Hounds <3

c5iracfxuaen52lHere’s my first two Gryph Hounds from the new box of 6, from GW. I love painting these little guys! I’m working on the third now, but feel free to suggest me some colour palettes for the other three!

2016 Retrospective: January – June

Hey y’alls! I’m sorry I haven’t been updating this blog, I got really caught up in Instagram and Youtube and all that, but I’m going to make an effort to keep at it on here too! So if you’re reading this please share this blog with your AoS buddies!

So, What have I been up to all this time? So much stuff happened over the last year: Warhammer Quest, the General’s Handbook, Sylvaneth, Extremis Chambers, Tzaanuary… Needless to say I’ve been a hobby butterfly and picked up a few kits here and there! So consider this a quick catch-up post and let me show you some of the things I’ve done this year (assuming you don’t already watch my Youtube channel – and if not, why not dammit?)

Alrighty, so… let’s begin!



January saw the release of the first Start Collecting! boxes from GW. So naturally I picked up the Seraphon army and Battletome! This was a great value set so I snapped it up and painted it to match my Lions of Sigmar stormhost, with plenty of gold and purple.

I also painted up an assassin for 40k as a fun side project, and painted up the classic metal Chaos Chariot I traded some Ogors for with the awesome Mr Shoe.

I also had an epic game of AoS with my Nurgle against Trick’s Slaanesh force, which was a lot of fun. You can see our attempt at a Battle Report here!


In February I painted up the Lord Castellant and his loyal Gryph Hound, as well as the Khorne Exalted Deathbringer! Also had a small-ish game of AoS with my Lions of Sigmar against the forces of Death, which I accidentally won by quite a large margin. Turns out even a single unit of 5 Retributors with a single Starsoul mace can smash quite a lot of face.

MARCH 2016

Moonclan Month! For my birthday I kindly got a generous GW online store voucher from my Brother and Sister, so I picked up some Mangler Squigs, Squig Hoppers and a few extra bits to build a small Moonclan army! I didn’t really add much else to this force, but its a fun little army that I keep on hand for narrative games or just if I want something a bit fun and different!

APRIL 2016

I was pretty busy in April, I came up with my Magic Items in the Mortal Realms ruleset (something we later saw in an official capacity in the updated style of Battletomes, so they’re arguably a little obsolete now). I also had a great game with my Lions of Sigmar versus a Nurgle army (who would just. not. die.), I painted Skarsnik and some River Trolls to finish off my current Moonclan army and I made the first steps into the Celestial Vindicators Stormhost with a Knight Heraldor and a unit of Liberators with paired blades. I had a lot of fun painting the turquoise.

MAY 2016

Well, May was a really exciting month for me! I flittered around a little at the start of the month with the Ironjaws, I converted a Slaughterpriest into a Nurgle Hero, and worked on an Assassin VS Prosecutor diorama for my local Games Workshop store’s monthly competition, which I think came out really nicely.

I created a small single-page ruleset called Into The Arena of Blood (Shortly before Gorechosen was revealed, incidentally… has GW been copying my ideas? XD) and of course the big news of the month… Warhammer Quest was back!

As someone who got into GW back in the mid 90s, Warhammer Quest was one of my gateways into the hobby. I spent ages with my best friend at the time adventuring and painting rats, gobbos and minotaurs for his copy of WHQ and I was delighted to see it return in 2016.

I got quite a bit of it painted towards the end of the month, but I was most pleased with the three heroes pictured – the Knight Questor, the Mistweaver Saih and the Fyreslayer Doomseeker. I think they came out really nicely!

JUNE 2016


Damnit, another exciting month for me! I painted up my Nurgle Hero, got excited for the Season of War, Painted up Typhus for 40k as a side project, hit 1000 followers on my Instagram page,  saw the first information about the rejuvenated Sylvaneth army, rebased my Treelord Ancient, painted up even more stuff from the Silver Tower box set (in fact, my goal was to finish painting the whole set before the Sylvaneth army arrived, I just about managed it)!.

Needless to say, I sold a bunch of MTG cards and other bits and pieces to keep up with all this crazy hobby goodness.

So with that I’ll leave this post here before it all gets a bit too long, but I’ll be back later with the breakdown for the second half of the year!

Jess’s Nurgle army so far!

Hey Folks, Jess here! Thought I’d show off my Nurgle army as it stands for AoS since I picked up the bulk of it from my local Warhammer store cabinet this morning. As you can see it’s growing quite nicely now, built over the last 4 months or so since AoS hit the streets.



The army currently consists:

Lord of Plagues
Orghotts Daemonspew
Daemon Prince
Gutrot Spume
Herald of Nurgle
3 Sorcerers
3 Plague Drones
5 Chaos Knights
20 Plaguebearers
5 Putrid Blightkings
3 Nurgling swarms

And up next I’ll be adding 12 Chaos Warriors and hopefully a classic metal Chariot to the army too! What are you guys working on?