2016 Retrospective: January – June

Hey y’alls! I’m sorry I haven’t been updating this blog, I got really caught up in Instagram and Youtube and all that, but I’m going to make an effort to keep at it on here too! So if you’re reading this please share this blog with your AoS buddies!

So, What have I been up to all this time? So much stuff happened over the last year: Warhammer Quest, the General’s Handbook, Sylvaneth, Extremis Chambers, Tzaanuary… Needless to say I’ve been a hobby butterfly and picked up a few kits here and there! So consider this a quick catch-up post and let me show you some of the things I’ve done this year (assuming you don’t already watch my Youtube channel – and if not, why not dammit?)

Alrighty, so… let’s begin!



January saw the release of the first Start Collecting! boxes from GW. So naturally I picked up the Seraphon army and Battletome! This was a great value set so I snapped it up and painted it to match my Lions of Sigmar stormhost, with plenty of gold and purple.

I also painted up an assassin for 40k as a fun side project, and painted up the classic metal Chaos Chariot I traded some Ogors for with the awesome Mr Shoe.

I also had an epic game of AoS with my Nurgle against Trick’s Slaanesh force, which was a lot of fun. You can see our attempt at a Battle Report here!


In February I painted up the Lord Castellant and his loyal Gryph Hound, as well as the Khorne Exalted Deathbringer! Also had a small-ish game of AoS with my Lions of Sigmar against the forces of Death, which I accidentally won by quite a large margin. Turns out even a single unit of 5 Retributors with a single Starsoul mace can smash quite a lot of face.

MARCH 2016

Moonclan Month! For my birthday I kindly got a generous GW online store voucher from my Brother and Sister, so I picked up some Mangler Squigs, Squig Hoppers and a few extra bits to build a small Moonclan army! I didn’t really add much else to this force, but its a fun little army that I keep on hand for narrative games or just if I want something a bit fun and different!

APRIL 2016

I was pretty busy in April, I came up with my Magic Items in the Mortal Realms ruleset (something we later saw in an official capacity in the updated style of Battletomes, so they’re arguably a little obsolete now). I also had a great game with my Lions of Sigmar versus a Nurgle army (who would just. not. die.), I painted Skarsnik and some River Trolls to finish off my current Moonclan army and I made the first steps into the Celestial Vindicators Stormhost with a Knight Heraldor and a unit of Liberators with paired blades. I had a lot of fun painting the turquoise.

MAY 2016

Well, May was a really exciting month for me! I flittered around a little at the start of the month with the Ironjaws, I converted a Slaughterpriest into a Nurgle Hero, and worked on an Assassin VS Prosecutor diorama for my local Games Workshop store’s monthly competition, which I think came out really nicely.

I created a small single-page ruleset called Into The Arena of Blood (Shortly before Gorechosen was revealed, incidentally… has GW been copying my ideas? XD) and of course the big news of the month… Warhammer Quest was back!

As someone who got into GW back in the mid 90s, Warhammer Quest was one of my gateways into the hobby. I spent ages with my best friend at the time adventuring and painting rats, gobbos and minotaurs for his copy of WHQ and I was delighted to see it return in 2016.

I got quite a bit of it painted towards the end of the month, but I was most pleased with the three heroes pictured – the Knight Questor, the Mistweaver Saih and the Fyreslayer Doomseeker. I think they came out really nicely!

JUNE 2016


Damnit, another exciting month for me! I painted up my Nurgle Hero, got excited for the Season of War, Painted up Typhus for 40k as a side project, hit 1000 followers on my Instagram page,  saw the first information about the rejuvenated Sylvaneth army, rebased my Treelord Ancient, painted up even more stuff from the Silver Tower box set (in fact, my goal was to finish painting the whole set before the Sylvaneth army arrived, I just about managed it)!.

Needless to say, I sold a bunch of MTG cards and other bits and pieces to keep up with all this crazy hobby goodness.

So with that I’ll leave this post here before it all gets a bit too long, but I’ll be back later with the breakdown for the second half of the year!

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