Jess’s Nurgle army so far!

Hey Folks, Jess here! Thought I’d show off my Nurgle army as it stands for AoS since I picked up the bulk of it from my local Warhammer store cabinet this morning. As you can see it’s growing quite nicely now, built over the last 4 months or so since AoS hit the streets.



The army currently consists:

Lord of Plagues
Orghotts Daemonspew
Daemon Prince
Gutrot Spume
Herald of Nurgle
3 Sorcerers
3 Plague Drones
5 Chaos Knights
20 Plaguebearers
5 Putrid Blightkings
3 Nurgling swarms

And up next I’ll be adding 12 Chaos Warriors and hopefully a classic metal Chariot to the army too! What are you guys working on?

Introduction to the AOS Journal

Hi folks!

My name is Jess, I’m the person who decided to start up the AOS Journal as a blog site for fans of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar game to share ideas, rules and news.

You may know me from my Youtube Channel upon which I have been working most recently on my Celestial Vindicators army for AOS. Other armies I have ‘on the table’ are Sylvaneth, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Moonclan and Wanderers.

I also occasionally look at other games too!

So, my big hopes for this blog are that people will be able to use this as a resource to make their hobby more fun. That may be creating or using exciting new rules for their games of AOS, making new Warscrolls for their favourite old Warhammer characters who may not have a warscroll in the new game, or sharing their current projects.

And of course I will try to regularly share my own hobby progress.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy your stay here!

If you’d like to write an article for the journal, please get in touch!